Earth Woman Rising
The alternative looks like staying exactly where you are right now. Stop reading and truly think about what life would look like if nothing changed for your.
The real risk is what your future will look like if you DON'T take action. If you don't leap. If you don't follow where your body keeps trying to guide you.
You get to be the one to choose your reality. The one who learns how to emotionally regulate and actually feel calm around your family, friends, lovers or even your customers no matter what they're doing (or not doing). You get to practice setting boundaries in order to create a safe space giving your body a chance to listen to your own sacred messages. You get to choose rest over hustle, abundance over scarcity, presence over panic.
I know it can feel scary to invest in your future, so let's look at your other options to put it into perspective...
We all suffer and in my experience, have a tendency to hold on to that suffering. If you're reading this and are holding on to something that you no longer need or is causing you pain I encourage you to reach out to Jess or join Earth Woman Rising. This course has given me permission to let go of a lifetime of suffering. Jess and the women within this community supported me through it all and allowed me to simply be. I was shown a new way to approach life with unwavering intention. I walked away with so much hope. Jess is the warmth that we all deserve. She doesn't just personify warmth, it is part of who she is.
I've lived in your shoes
You let me know how this feels...
I invested my time, money, and energy into aligning with full body yes’s.
I slowed everything down and allowed myself to play more.
I committed to being grounded and present in my body.
I practiced over and over and over and over and over... again!
I declared that I wanted more from my life and was unwilling to give up on my vision.
Everyone in the spiritual growth space goes off about enlightenment and 5D. It's not about ascension here... it's about landing back into your body. Come back home, honey.
The wild woman wants to be untamed - so let her. You are the key holder but your fears keep you thinking otherwise.
Taking sacred self responsibility will absolutely change your life. This isn't something you can get from me or another person! You can be shown what it looks like and practice this in your everyday life. Learn to make the shift from a disempowering mindset to an empowering one. You are a creator!
The personal development course to help you get grounded, adopt an empowering mindset, step into your power, trust your body and take up space. Life can feel a lot easier when we take ownership over our inner world. I teach you the foundational lessons that forever changed my life!
Fear + Love
This is the foundation your entire journey will be based upon. We either exist in a state of fear or love, which one are you living from?
Joined by Natalie Fraser - La Osa Pachamama. Osa is a Shaman and Energy Healer devoted to a With over 30 years of experience.
"I am here to teach, to help, to love, to inspire, but ultimately each of us are the only ones who can heal ourselves and change our lives."
- Osa
Trust + Intuition
Joined by Marissa Meabry who is a space holder for healing and transformation. Slow your body down and enjoy Sensual Flow a radical act of self love.
"I believe that loving yourself is the most important work you will ever do. The deeper you can love and accept yourself, the deeper you can love and accept others." - Mars
Joined by Janice DeFilippi who is a long-time practitioner of Astanga yoga. She's made many trips to Mysore, India to study at a time when the practice existed in relative obscurity and class sizes were below a dozen.
Sharing on the causes of suffering, Janice helps us explore themes of self responsibility — learn the practical tools to re-write your life story.
Portal Four
Vibrational Signature
Super charge your life and bring your dreams to reality. Joined by Emily Hazel, the creatrix of the potent pussy portal that puts feminine principle in the pleasure centre of how you deeply desire to pray and play.
Activated and anchored, yet always up to no good…" - Emily Hazel
Take a moment to tap into your body and see how you deeply feel about Earth Woman Rising. Follow that excitement within...
Choose the payment plan that holds the highest frequency. Once invested, you will receive a link to enroll in the program and start exploring at your own pace.
Now you get to let your YES do the work for you. You've planted the seed and will begin to reap the rewards.
so, let's get started!
I have never in my life felt more comfortable than I do with Jess
I couldn’t imagine now, not doing this. EWR is unique and powerful. Life changing. If you are thinking about this course, just know this is a gift to the world and yourself. Knowing the suffering others are experiencing first hand through my Psychotherapy practice, Jess is a part of the collective in this world who will heal a world full of people with her gift and this program. I would refer and recommend this to uncover the shadows that keep me from being my highest self and to move through them, making them bright; allowing me to be authentically me.
I learnt that my words are so much more powerful than I ever realized.
I was in a scarcity mindset before this course. I’m able to catch myself now and AM MINDFUL ABOUT THE LANGUAGE I USE. I DO MY BEST to operate from a place of love instead of fear.
I learned to respect myself and others more in Earth Woman Rising.
Now when I see myself interacting with someone, I see them as a mirror to myself and vice versa; which I noticed can also be reflective of how much I love myself. Jess, you went above and beyond to create a personal experience filled with resources to take as we go forward.
I cleared all of my debts and have kept them off for 2+ years and counting, my relationship went from a massive stressor to one of the most abundant gifts, my friendships with soulmate humans are the most NOURISHING, I feel like a literal goddess with a gift of speaking my truth and am SO SO SO grateful that I get to live out my life’s purpose. My dharma. Bringing women together from all over the globe and literally giving life to my business babe — Earth Woman and educational programs/offerings/masterclasses for women who want to root down in their bodies and work THROUGH their life stories and become the observer.
I practice and live by what I teach in this course. I have seen massive growth spurts in my business, and it has opened the flood gates to experiencing the most joy from the simple things in life again...
xo, jess
eBooks, Guest Speakers + so much more!
This course is intentionally FULL of so much content. Everyone enters Earth Woman Rising from a different place in their life - some things will resonant more than others and you get to choose what tools you adopt straight away!
It was scary to be seen. Actually seen the way I see myself. The way I thought no one else would see me. I figured I could stick to superficial things and chat about my business, but Jess has X-ray vision. As we pulled back the layers I could see the patterns playing over and over again. The healing exercise she lead me through really did some magic that I can still feel this morning. It was a beautiful experience. But it was after the call that confirmed this work is real. I’ve been waiting for weeks to sort out my separation and mortgage. I was living in fear of the future and feeling very unsure.
Last night with Jess I visualized the next 5 years and saw my path. 20 minutes after our call, my mortgage broker finally got back to me. I couldn’t believe it. This is almost 9pm and I’m vibrating from my session. It was all good news!! My 5 year mortgage is going through and I can step forward on this amazing journey. Thank you all again for being witness. This has truly been life enhancing. Sending you lots of love and light.
The biggest lesson for me was to be at peace with myself. I know it is an on going practice & not one that will ever be complete but it has allowed me to just sit in the silence and slowly consider things one at a time. I have learned to be "okay" with myself no matter what.
Some know me as a photographer, web designer, life coach, business strategist, comedian (just kidding) but really you should know I'm quirky AF, consider this your warning! I am all of these things, and so much more.
I help other women connect to their body and clear blockages so they can thrive in their life, love, and businesses.
I'm here to ask you: What would your life look like if you could release yourself from the stories that no longer serve?
My life didn't always look like this...
I was living in a one-bedroom apartment with my partner fighting every single day. I wasn't happy because I hadn't taken responsibility for what my life was and also for what it wasn't. I nearly gave up on my dreams and it's why I was suffering in silence with a body full of anger because I was too scared to succeed AND to fail. I was operating from complete emotional paralysis.
It wasn't until landing my corporate job that lit the final fire I needed to truly trust in my own skills to work for myself. I've always had the entrepreneurial spark and finally took the leap...
I intentionally design every day of my life, prioritize my health and well being and get to ALWAYS listen to my body.
I have been debt free for 2+ years. The love of my life and I bought beautiful house in the country.
I've received abundant 12k + course launches. Regularly book multiple four figure coaching clients. My calendar is booked out months in advance with a lot of space for me to work on my other creative hobbies.
I designed my business with nearly all of my clients on payment plans so that I have secure income for 2+ years and I consistency invest in myself, my skills and my biz to best serve the world!
One of the best decisions in my business has been hiring a magical human to support me in my biz + outsourced an international team of women who also live their lives in integrity with their values.
I want you to know my intentions for you are literal magic! It is my deepest desire for you connect with your roots and ground to mother earth, tapping into a fountain of calm. I will be a mirror as you find the tools available to support your highest good. I'd love nothing more than for you to awaken a burning fire inside your belly, hungry and eager to fall in love with self and the process of life.
Showing up as your authentic self
Come into full integrity with yourself
Take full responsibility for your life and start consciously creating it
Devote to being a full body yes to what you love, and putting up boundaries around that which doesn't resonate
Create real, sustainable change and break the patterns that no longer serve
Fall deeper in love with yourself and embody the woman you're meant to be
Imagine this, nothing changes in your life. You continue hating your job, not attracting the relationships you want, not loving your body, feeling stuck in the same loop and patterns, having difficulty looking at your bank account and creating an abundant life, not trusting my own body and not setting boundaries. You continue to feel exhausted, or you can fill in what this means for you.
Beauty, everyone is different and on their own journey. Growth comes in many shapes and sizes and it's not a one-result-for-all kind of deal here. In fact, if anyone tells you they can guarantee you happiness, money, or really anything... run far away. I am no doctor, therapist or counselor of any sort nor do I pretend to be. I'm a guide, using my gifts, knowledge, real life experience and training over 15+ years to bring you an authentic, heart-centered, universe-sourced service. You will receive as much as you want, which is entirely based on your openness and the story you write during our time together and even thereafter.
Frequently Asked Questions
Earth Woman Rising (Level 1) is for women who want to expand beyond their current reality and live less reactively and more FULL BODIED. If you’re an Entrepreneur/Soulpreneur then YES this is for you! If you don’t have your own business THIS IS STILL A YES FOR YOU! New to the spiritual growth space? THIS IS FOR YOU! As long as you're open, you will receive the transmissions and downloads that are MEANT to land. The potency of the teachers and lessons in this program are absolutely life changing. Everything we teach is based on lessons we have already moved through and alchemized. We WANT to remind you of your inner wisdom — here is the space!
No. Once you are in — you are in. This is DEVOTION + COMMITMENT TO YOUR EXPANSION.
Investments should ignite a level of discomfort — it’s the great contraction (something I speak on in month 4!) It means you’re ready to take things to the next level. The sweet spot of fear is not letting it stop you…that’s so disempowering. We want the fear to actually propel us. I’m not saying to ever rush your decisions or put yourself in awful financial situations but I am saying this….
Your relationship with “not having enough” is a joy-killer…a soul crushing and debilitating statement that will forever keep you in a scarcity lifestyle. Not just with money but with time, love, opportunity and EVEN MORE. I am not here to enable people’s money stories, I’m here to offer wisdom you can choose to activate aliveness in you.
Let me put it this way. I wouldn’t be here, running 3 businesses, debt free (except the house we just bought), coaching women all over the globe, enjoying my life TRULY…not bullshit…not misleading — I LOVE MY LIFE. I wouldn’t BE here if I hadn’t invested in myself. WHAT A MISSED OPPORTUNITY THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN. Imagine the regret I would have lived with if I had said no I don’t have enough (x, y, z ) for that. Honey, that is NOT a good place to be. Aligning with women who genuinely want to see you thrive is where the growth is at. I’m not doing the work for you — it’s ALL you and couldn’t be any other way. You are your own medicine.
Sit with the fear. Set an intention if this program is what you want. DECLARE IT. Put on the sexiest playlist and literally open your hips and dance. I’m not kidding I do this EVERY SINGLE TIME my body constricts if I feel fear. I make sure to get myself to a high vibrational state and paired with my deliberate intention and then I send it out to the universe.
YES. Absolutely!!! I wouldn’t have it any other way. Listen, we are all students of life — EVEN ME! This is a space for deep connection with your sisters. I attract women of all ages and actually some of my best friends in my 20’s were men and women in their 60’s. I’ve met people from all walks of life on my travels to 16+ countries and counting. I created Earth Woman Rising for women — period. It’s for women who want to rise beyond their current stories and transition to a life that is more of service to unlocking their highest potential. This is a foundational spiritual growth course and I’m so grateful that you’re considerings walking this path with us.
Join the journey of a life time. Drop into each portal designed to help you expand beyond what your eyes can see — wherever you are on your journey. There's no looking back.